Wednesday 6 April 2011

how to steal like an artist: a guide

copy pasta'd from my 302 blog:

Just a little something I found interesting while surfing through the net through yet another sleepless night.

moar sneak peeks

Like the title says, more documentation of what I've been doing.

dogs: organs

Like my post with canine skeletal structures, I decided to look at their internal organs.


I'm thinking of making my pamphlet in layers. Like, uh... since I've been using transparent paper I decided that maybe it'll be a good idea to take advantage of that.

So yeah, layers. And this will be placed under the 'skeleton' layer.

little sneak peek, sorta'

Started on doodling skeletons on left over tracing paper I found in my studio space (works out a lot better than I thought).

I like where this is going.

moar skeletons

Photos this time; gives me a better and clearer picture of their structure.

Kinda' beautiful in an eerie sort of way.

dogs: skeletons

Just compiled some photos of the canine skeletal structure. I'm thinking of making a pamphlet about my dog's anatomy, the same way parts manuals are about what makes up a gadget/vehicle/whatever.

For reference, really.

eureka: sort of

I'm going to create a parts manual of my dog.

In a sense it's kinda' like I'm 'over (lol no not really)' analysing her. Awesome.

some parts manual

Mostly cars and subject matters that has no relevant to my project, but aesthetically, this is entirely relevant to my current project.

never thought my dad's reels would come in handy

My dad wanted to sell a fishing reel of his, and after some hooha here and there, long story made short, I took one look at the fishing reel's parts manual and fell in love with it.

Probably because of the insane detail featured in the illustration.

I don't have any means of scanning it right now, but I'll get around to it eventually. For now, I'll look into the world of mechanics and spare parts a bit more.

Might come with something pretty interesting with this.



To remedy my artist block, I did some surfing round the net and found some interesting ideas for my pamphlet (in terms of how it'll look/fold/whatever anyway).

yeah no

Decided that I've been hitting far too many roadblocks with my previous idea of turning my dog into a template meme, why?

Because almost everything's been done. Well, everything that's relevant to my dog (or more specifically, relevant to her personality anyway).

So yeah, I'm gonna' have to find a different direction and roll with it.


Like my 302 blog, it's not that I haven't been neglecting this blog (*COUGH*YEAHRIGHT*COUGH*), it's just that I've been caught up with real life and haven't really had time to sit down, boot up the computer and properly compile notes and research together and, you know, pop into this blog and update it.

But no fear.

I'm going to collect all notes, research and bits of documentation I've been doing since my last post and post it here in one big dump.

Be prepared.

Tuesday 15 March 2011

little tangents iv

Again, another tangents, so while pondering about the whole nature documentary thing, it made me think of those DK encyclopedias for kids. I grew up on those, so it's sorta' natural that I immediately thought about DK when thinking of printed format and, well, animals.

So this is a small sample of what I'm talking about.

I'm thinking of maybe making an encyclopedia based on, say, internet memes, a comprehensive look at my dog, people I know (?), etc. Not necessarily the way it's put together, but the way information is collected and written.

little tangents iii

Another thing I thought about while taking photos of my dog (and basically just follow her around) are those nature documentaries about animals and all that.

I suppose it's all thanks to Planet Earth (goddammit David Attenborough) and this BBC boxset containing Yellowstone and Wild China. Holy crap, you guys have to watch it. Especially on Bluray. 

 Documentaries at the very finest.

little tangents ii

So while looking through, I thought about the internet.

'kay, that's real vague. I was thinking of lolcats, which in turn made me think of popular animals on the internet, which in turn made me think of memes like Courage Wolf, Advice Dog, Foul Bachelor Frog, Socially Awkward Penguin, etc. 

So I thought, maybe I should take a piss on these internet memes with my dog? Just an idea.

Monday 14 March 2011

little tangents

So while stalking my dog for the entire night, long story short, she didn't do much. So I did a couple of things to try and fish out a reaction or two from her (if you notice I did things like prod her with my foot, enticed her with food, etc), including stacking a bunch of stuff on her.

This was inspired by a recent visit to a website called So I decided, hm, wonder what it'll be like if I try it on my dog.

Tuesday 8 March 2011

mini update

Oh by the way, totally scrapped the pigeon stalking/pen doodling response and just went with taking a photo of the same object a hundred times.

So I decided to bother my dog for an entire night.

Here's a contact sheet. 

p.s.: I admit, I had fun stacking a bunch of crap on her.


Tutor got sick (hope you feel better soon by the way).

So I thought, "A'ight. I'll just head off and do some other work."

Friend texts back saying that design students were supposed to pop back into studio at 2pm today. I look at my watch and it's already 4something pm. Great

Why so organized, schedule?

edit: whoops nevermind. friend misread the notice. it was a 20-something class. bloody second years.

Tuesday 1 March 2011

yet another obligratory intro post

Yep, I'll be using this blogspot account to update on all of my thoughts and ideas regarding 304.

Nothing really happened much, we were split up into tiny groups on Tuesday and we made a book made up of smaller books... and a book cube... thing.

Tutor gave us a list of things to respond to, I was gonna' stalk a pigeon. Just because. But I decided that doodling until my pen ink runs out sounds a lot more like me. Will update this blog with what I'm up to a little later.